FACEBOOK marketing even in your PJ's.
Watch this tutorial to learn you can put your Facebook account on Autopilot. This will help you continue to send out your message and grow you business - even while you are sleeping.

Here is where you can download the program
Hard at work. - at home. This could be you
We can't believe the response we got from friends and family just looking at this picture. So many people have dreams and aspirations to do great things in their life. They want to be able to work at home, generate a great income that affords them to travel and truly "make a living - living".

THIS guy does it and is now beginning to reap the benefits of working from home. He isn't where he wants to be, but he has a plan and step-by-step he is working his way to achieve his goals.

What are you doing for your success? What steps are you taking to get there?
Start today and take the step to making your dreams a reality.

I'll end today's blog with just one question... HOW DO YOU EAT AN ELEPHANT?

You eat an elephant, no matter how big it is... one bite at a time.
That same concept will get you to your dreams. One step, one goal at a time.

Need more assistance on how to work from home and make your dreams come true. CLICK HERE and provide your information and take that 1st step of true financial and time freedom. -Remember to get to your dreams all it takes is one step at a time.

Free! CLICK on the bird - to get your TWITTER account on autopilot today
Here is a quick and easy way to increase traffic to your site by putting your TWITTER account on AUTOPILOT. Why do you want to put your twitter on autopilot? Because the internet NEVER SLEEPS! What is better than having your URL seen by hundreds if not thousands of new prospects While your sleeping or doing other things. We, (Nicole and I) open our twitter account on January 10, 2011 and by January 22nd, we went from 1 follower to over 1,000 followers and our URL had more than 1,500 clicks. WOW!!!!  In less than 30 days we were getting followers by the hundreds -  all because our twitter account is running by AUTOPILOT. And now yours can too
 CLICK PLAY and watch the video below to get started.
OK. So your up and running on FACEBOOK. You’ve have a fanpage with an opt in, you have been providing valuable content to groups, updating your blog frequently and writing a lot of helpful articles. You are constantly adding friends to your face book page and getting even more friend request.

Now you ask … where are my leads? But that’s just it. With that you are doing, all the content you are providing, with all the new friends that have been adding - you now have NEW leads.

The next step is to actually start forming relationships. Start talking to people., find out there needs and wants. Never just start trying to sell people. I said it before and I’ll say it again… PEOPLE DON’T CARE WHAT YOU KNOW, UNTIL YOU KNOW THAT THEY CARE.

Ask questions, develop relationships and find out what their “problem” is - what is it that means the most to them. Find out what their dream is, what that they are trying to accomplish - and then you can provide then with the solution.

LOOK ON PEOPLE’S PROFILE for what you have in common.

Find that “like-minded” person, by checking out the things that post, their interests and then keen on what you share in similarity. Send an inbox message asking more, sharing your story, place a post on their wall saying how cute their new puppy is. They are your friend on face book right? Might as well, start acting as so. Face- face- we talk to friends, so we might as carry that same trait to our FACEBOOK FRIENDS and talk to them also.

Try it today. - TALK TO 5 people a day for starters. Introduce yourself, comment on something they’ve posted or a similarity they share. Build a conversation that encourages them to share their story, their plight and THEN you can share your plight and the opportunity you now have to change it and they can do…

Pretty simple right? Well, we’ve got some FRIENDS to talk to - so…. Have fun, build relationships and you and I will talk some more later.


Picture perfect! Yes- that's what you are. Picture perfect and a picture is worth a thousand words so go ahead and get your photo out there. I've been doing blogging for only about 2 months and I am constantly learning new things and ways to improve. The #1 thing I am learning... only you can  BRAND yourself. Duh, you say. But for some, that might not have been so obvious. Here's a simple way to get started on the journey of branding yourself.

A picture. Not just a photo on your website page, twitter or facebook account, but what about a photo on the comments you place on other's blog? I would respond to blogs and see everyone's headshots and photos and there would be my comment - the only one without a photo. Well, not any more.

View this step by step video on how to add your photo to any blog comment you do - and to those you have done in the past. It's so simple yet so influential to your business of BRANDING yourself- so get it done today.

Brand yourself and grow in attraction marketing. Make the most out of your time and get yourself recognized in the blog community by including your picture. You will become a known face- easily recognized and a true brand. So click "PLAY" and I'll help you get your photo out right now.

Let me know how it worked for you! And please make sure you share this with your friends on Twitter, Facebook, and other social communities!  Use the Twitter icon down below to ‘tweet’ this training out to your followers! They’ll definitely appreciate it!  Thanks a bunch…
Why network marketing?

Network Marketing and MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) are one and the same. For the purpose of this blog, I will use the term network marketing. When some people here the term – network marketing, they instantly think something bad. They think of a scheme or even something that they have invested in and saw no return so it left a bad taste in their mouth.

My objective today is not to sway you towards one network marketing company over another. I simply want to educate you on network marketing and the potential it really has to change your life – if you want it changed. 

First and foremost, research your potential business opportunity.  If you are on the fence and think it’s too good to be true. Do your research. See how long the company has been in existence, what is their pay structure, how will it work for you and truly ask yourself - how much time can me put it in this.  In the beginning stages of any business – it takes time and work to get if off the ground. Your network marketing business will be just that – yours. No one is going to work YOUR business for you. You have to put in the time the effort, the sweat and tears.

Oh no, you think. I already don’t have enough time… I can’t possibly take on something else. But think about this… 2 years from now… where do you see yourself? Are you still at that corporate job working 6 days and 10-12 hours a day? Are you still working hard for someone who doesn’t see your value nor compensate you for your value? Or… are you working for yourself? Are you reaping the benefits off all the sweat and tears that you placed into YOUR business 2 years ago?

If you ask me, it’s pretty simple. I want to work hard now – which we all are anyway, and reap the personal rewards for MYSELF. I was so tired of working hard for the corporate company. They didn’t value my work, my ethics, my family commitment, my personal time, my health, my sanity, etc… they didn’t value me.  I was sick and tired of being sick and tired – literally so I knew something had to change. And for me that change was network marketing.

Network Marketing focuses in on the 3 key components to financial and TIME freedom.  With network marketing, there is passive residual income, leverage and geometric growth. There are certain thoughts that people have when it comes to network marketing. The 3 percent who stick with business and really work it – see this. 97% of the others will stop, if they even started. Network Marketing only works if you work it – it’s not a get-rich-quick-scheme, it’s not a “do nothing and the money will come to you” type of business.

My advice to you today is today is to research the company you are thinking about, list your goals and dreams, begin to form a game plan on how you are going to get to work. Network Marketing, heck, any job which you are the boss, you have to work. If you don’t work, the money doesn’t get made. So before you say, it didn’t work, it’s a scheme or another one of “those things” – really commitment and get to work. You will be surprised at your results and how you’ve progressed in 2 years.

Stay tune for Why Network Marketing part 2

Nicole Long


Change the way you do business now and start getting results today. You NEED to see this! Only releasing to select 100 people. Contact US today and let us know why you want FREE Leads and what you'll do with them.
Why as why?

Kids grow up asking one continuous question… why?

They want to know why the moon is following the car. They want to know why they have to go to bed early on a school night? They even want to know why they have to eat their vegetables. And sometimes, we, as parents, get pretty annoyed with the question WHY?

Well, today I am going to ask you that very annoying but so instrumental question about your business…. Ready???  Ok here is the question…. WHY ?

WHY, are you in this business? WHY are you determined to succeed? WHY do you keep going when you hear so many “no’s”?

Let me go further…

What is it that will keep you going on when things look bleak and uncertain? What is your motivation?

My WHY is fairly simple and I will share it with you.

Why am I doing this? Why and I working so hard for myself? Simple. I worked many years so hard for other corporations and CEOS and didn’t reap the long term benefits. They got rich and I was still living pay check to pay check and had no extra time or energy to do for my family. Now I work hard for myself, to not only afford the necessities of life but to allow my children the privilege of higher education- even at an early age. I work for myself to strengthen my children’s involvement in extracurricular activities and afford the technology the need to enhance their learning. I work hard to retire my husband from his corporate job so that he is able to then concentrate more on our non profit goals and charities. I work hard to help my Church and community thrive. I work hard for time freedom. Not only am I headed toward financial freedom I am now living time freedom. I can make my own schedule and that allows more time for me to spend with family and friends. I make all the school activities and field trips and even practices without having to “ask” my boss for the time off.  My family is my biggest why and all the rest falls in to place. I keep going when I feel I have nothing left in me because it’s not just about me anymore. It’s about my family, my children’s future and the legacy I will leave behind for my children’s children.

What is your why? Write it down. Print it out and post it somewhere you work every morning. Use your Why statement as your motivation tool. Read it when you feel like giving up? Read it face adversity. Read it when you know you should be working rather sleeping. Your why will become the foundation for what you do and it will keep you on track for your ultimate goal.

If you don’t mind, reply to this post with your “WHY” we would love to hear from you.

Nicole Long

I've been doing lots and lots and lots of research over the years regarding network marketing and the MLM industry. Through a lot of trial and error - I have learned alot. With that education and life lessons learned I am PROUD to share this tid bit of information with you.

I wish I would have know this information when I first entered the network marketing industry in 2002. Fast Forward to almost 8 years later - and here I am. 5 network marketing companies later... this is the information I was searching for all along.

Check out the entire article here. 5 Things I wish my upline would have told me…
It will change the way you do business. Blessings