Get your internet marketing success questions answered.

What do you need to succeed in your business? What is the one question you have being dying to get answered from an internet marketing expert that will help you make money in your home business? Get the questions answered here.


WE will answer your questions or find the EXPERT who will give us the complete,step by step answer for free.

Have friends how may have questions also? Share this article with them as well. Thanks

Week #1 of the Online Branding Formula literally had people jumping out of
their seats. Inspired entrepreneurs have been burning the midnight oil all
week with the new found passion that Part 1 of the Online Branding Formula
ignited inside of them. So many business owners were struggling with with
getting their online presence going because they weren't sure where to

If you are a Business Owner trying to figure out this maze of Internet
Branding and you're asking yourself, "What is my Brand?"
Then CLICK HERE NOW and get your VIP Access to
the OBF Membership site so you can watch Vip Event #1 before Part 2 goes
live tonight at 10PM EST.

So after you've perfectly defined your brand and your vision and you have a
Profitable Usp that's inline with your core values... NOW THE FUN BEGINS.

CM = Cutting Edge Marketing

- Do you want to know how a Gold Medal Marketer generates leads while she
sleeps from EBOOKS?!

- What about the underground secrets of Facebook Fanpages that seriously

- How about a peek inside the genius mind of a Facebook PPC Guru?

- Get this one... a capture page that converted at 75%!

Now do you understand why this week in the Online Branding Formula
Symposium is unmissable!???

FACT: You Need to Learn How to Position Your Brand In Front Of MORE PEOPLE.

FACT: People Are Getting Their Pockets Gauged from So Called GURU's and
Getting a THIRD of the Value in the OBF.

FACT: If You're Not Registered for the Free Membership Yet... Your Direct
Competitor Just Got Theirs.

Click the Link Below and Register your Name and Email to Get Your Free
Login Details!


Where is your spark and hustle?

So my guilty pleasure is television: even more, my DVR. I don’t have a lot of free time so I am not able to watch some of my favorite shows the minute they air – I have to wait until I actually schedule down time in my planner, or wait for those nights when I can’t sleep.

This weekend – I scheduled downtime. So I made it my quest to clear my DVR. Now –although that didn’t happen. I was able to catch up on some early March episodes of THE TALK, and this one episode really caught my attention – where is your spark and hustle?

Watch the clip below to see what I mean...

Then the hustle... to make a strenuous effort to obtain something through energetic activity. The hustle is simply your business – your passion. How are you going to get paid to do what you love?

To start my hustle – I went to social media sites and took advantage of free business promotions and began by providing value to my niche. Don’t underestimate the power of social media and all that it can do for you. Tory Johnson was able to make a living and uses social media as ways to gain business with her spark and hustle. Corporations, small business owners, network marketers, and many others are using social media platforms as ways of advertising, generating leads and making money for their businesses. You can too.

Most people that start in a home based business do not have a marketing background. The great news is, it is fairly easy to start marketing online and build your income at home very quickly. This concept I am going to introduce you to is one that has been seeing massive results in many industries for years, especially online. I used it and was able to replace my corporate income in 4 weeks. “LIKE” our fanpage and sign up to get your FREE 3 day video course. A step-by-step guide to generate income in your business using social media.
Do you see this picture on the left?

What does it look like to you… what comes to mind?

As for me… I look at this picture and see just how great the world is.

When I look at this picture I think of the Christian Sunday School classes who sing “He’s got the whole world in His hands….” That’s what I see. You might see something different. But for all – this picture is a symbol of the #1 way to achieve greatness in your home business. It doesn’t matter what industry you are in, whether you are a day care provider, auto mechanic, or even a tutu maker, what matters is your mind, heart and soul.

Your mind heart and soul MUST be in sync with one another. You must understand your purpose here on earth and the very breath you breathe. There is a reason you still exist and that has to coincide with your business.

Look, many in my downline have access to the same tools I do that generate REAL success. John and I give it away for FREE – so money is never a factor but we used to ask ourselves why weren’t they succeeding??? What we found out is this… mentally – they aren’t ready. One has to be hungry to succeed- the desire and determination to succeed has to be oozing through their veins. To be mentally prepared you must understand and be prepared for obstacles – they will come. So find out what those obstacles could be and get your game plan together right now – to overcome them. Next, believe in your heart that you can and WILL succeed. Your “why” not only has to exist in your mind, but it has to flourish in your heart… and even more… stem from your soul. The very core of your being has to be in sync with your mind and heart.

Simply put- your mindset is the #1 way to achieve greatness in your home business. Without it – it will not work. You could have all the systems, spent $1000’s in coaching and tools – but if you don’t have the mindset to apply and to really believe in yourself – it means nothings and will get you no where.

I leave you with this… God used ordinary me to do extraordinary things. You might not believe in the same God but the reality is this… you were created to do something on this earth – to make a lasting change for not only yourself but for others. If your home business is the source where that change is coming from… embrace it. Get your mind right, get your heart and soul in tune with one another and get to work. It’s time to walk in your destiny and really use the #1 way to achieve greatness in your home business TODAY.

So what’s next? Grab our 3 day free training for some great tips on achieving success in your home business.

PS. If you liked this, hit the like button below, thanks!

Special Thanks and Photo Credits to LaMont Lamontrepreneur Gilbert

in Network Marketing

Let me tell you a little secret that I’ve learned through many days of trial and error in network marketing… you don’t have to do it alone. Yep. That’s my secret. You do not have to do network marketing alone to grow your business.

I’m sure you’ve heard the quote “Teamwork makes the Dreamwork” …well – it’s true even for network marketing. There is no “I” in team, thus people have to work together to truly build a profitable business.

Now I know, many of us think that I you partner with someone you’ll losing out on profits, leads and maybe even creditability but what I have found is the exact opposite. You don’t even have to necessarily be in the same marketing group together, but what I have found that shared experiences, strategies of what works and what doesn’t goes along way. Take me, for example, I’ve been actively doing network marketing for about 6 months. Prior to that I worked a corporate job that was driving me nuts, making me sick – literally and taking all my time. I had joined other MLM and network marketing companies along the way but never did more than enough to make my initial investment back. BUT 6 months ago something happened, a light bulb went off and I left corporate to pursue my dreams and joined a company I love. Along the way – I realized I was working harder but was ok with that because I was working for myself. I found a lot of things that DID NOT work. Spent a lot of extra money for products and services that DID NOT deliver the claimed results. I was spinning the mouse wheel and started to feel defeated. I did not know at the time that TEAMWORK makes the DREAMWORK – I was trying to do it all by myself.

One late night internet search later, I came across a site that had tutorials, articles and videos that actually showed me step-by-step how to do certain things ALL internet marketers needed to know. AND it was free! I plugged in and took advantage of all the free information and guides – even if that meant I had to opt in for a couple of things. I was getting this valuable information SOMEONE ELSE put together and made it work for my business. Slowly but surely, I started to sale products, traffic started coming out of the wood works for my site, and my level of expertise began to grow tremendously because of these tools. I started getting online marketing success because of the help I received from someone else. I took information from a team of folks who went through the same crap I had endured- they found the solution and willingly, voluntarily did the same for me. They believed and understood the concept of giving back and the belief that TEAMWORK MAKES THE DREAMWORK in network marketing. You don’t have to do it alone anymore. Yes, it’s your brand, it’s your product, your website, your money but why not get plugged in to a system that truly provides value and step-by-step guides to your success. What do you have to lose? Nothing except financial and time freedom IF you don’t take advantage of this system. Join myself and a great team of marketers, mentors and success driven individuals in creating a lasting partnership to your success. TEAMWORK MAKES THE DREAMWORK – click here and join the group that doesn’t just talk about success but works with you every day to create it.

Note: There are 3 types of systems you will find out there… those that promote working in isolation, those that stress working against others or the system that promotes working with a community. John and I hope that you find the perfect fit for your business that drives you to internet marketing success. Just know this, many of us who find the success we desire in network marketing, did not find it by working alone.

To your success-  If you enjoyed this post, make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed!

-John and Nicole


It's OFFICIAL! Week 1 of the Online Branding Formula is going to Blow Your Entrepreneurial MIND!

Rockstar Marketing is Launching the Online Branding Formula Symposium this Wednesday, March 23rd at 10PM EST. It is a VIP invite only event to unveil the launch of the First Critical Factor within the Formula. People pay THOUSANDS of dollars to attend weekend Summits and Seminars....

The OBF is a 30 Day Online Interactive Event!

Designed to Educate the Market place and Entrepreneurs worldwide on a formula that can literally take a non-existent brand or online presence to ROCKSTAR STATUS in a matter of months.

Why Week #1 of the OBF Symposium is the Most Critical.

If you miss the first week of the Online Branding Formula, and you don't get the First Critical Factor right.... kiss your chances of making it anywhere. Your entire Online Brand's success is directly dependent on the first component. With all the talk of Online Branding have you ever thought to yourself, "What is my brand?" Thank goodness you're here then... because of the crazy response, Rockstar Marketing just released 100 Extra Free Memberships.

Press Play to Get All the Details on Why Week #1 is the Critical Component to Your Brand Success Online.

Your Chance to Explode Your Online Presence and Your Brand is NOW. Click the Image Below and Secure Your Free Membership!


One of my mentors KIM ROACH, pointed out this simple concept to me. These are the insider secrets to building online marketing relationships…

“You have to remember that these are REAL relationships just like your offline friendships. If you only talked to your friend about one topic and nothing else they would soon grow tired of you and probably wonder why you had become so fanatical.

And if you want to build relationships online, you need to keep the same principle in mind. Find out about the person BEHIND the business itself. What are their hobbies, their passions, their favorite vacation spots, etc...

You can find a lot of this type of information either on their blog or on Twitter and Facebook! The key here is to find something that you have in common with them. If both of you love Jets football, then talk about that. If both of you love American Idol, then talk about that.

Find common experiences that you can talk about. Make it real. If you're only doing this with yourself in mind then you've already lost the game.”

“People don’t care what you know until they know that you care” I get so many people chatting or inbox-ing me with their ads and opportunities… there’s no “hi – how are you?” -  no attempt to really find out who I am and if their product can even help me. But more importantly, they provide NO value. We see ads all day long. What makes you think that all of a sudden I am going to pay attention to yours? I am not. One of the insider secrets to building online marketing relationships is to remember, just like everyone else, my time is valuable and I would rather spend it on learning my trade and enhancing my business practices.

The key component to building a relationship and a list is providing FREE value. Give away real techniques and practices that work for you. Now is not the time to be selfish. If it’s time that you are in need of – give it away. Spend more time helping someone else out and teaching others. If it’s money you need more of – give it away. If you have a product that you could sell but are just starting out…give it away. Encourage others to use it and provided you feedback- all for free. It sounds a little crazy but I guarantee you it’s essential to your success and being seen as an expert in your industry.

Enough reading- already! Get to work. Start getting to “know” people online and offline. Start finding out who they really are, what they like and what they dislike. Share valuable information with others- make it real, make it simple and plain and then put it out there for everyone to see. Quickly you will begin to see an increase in your following, you will begin to receive emails, comments, even calls on how much you have helped someone. They will then be asking you, “How can I work with you”… and this my dear friend is insider secret to building online marketing relationships.

Our mission is to help those that want to reach $10,000 per month do so easily, by following a simple system. If you want to see how others are doing it and how YOU can apply our strategy to your business and see massive results, get your FREE 3 day training by clicking here



Internet Marketing Success at your fingertips...you are just a "Click" away
Over 500,000 Marketers received an email this WEDNESDAY announcing the Epic Launch of the Online Branding Formula Symposium.

Only the first 500 will get a Free Ticket to the 30 DAY Online Event. Where the code to internet marketing is CRACKED.

The Online Branding Formula Symposium is going to have an incredible IMPACT on a lot of business owners world wide. AND what should be charged $1000.'s for the program is being GIVEN away for FREE! We would rather help you and contribute to your success by providing quality and valuable business tools than charge you. So don't be left behind. Spots are filling up fast.

Watch the video below to see why so many marketers are taking advantage of this TODAY

Register for Your Free 30 Day Ticket to the Online Branding Formula Symposium Before They All Fly Out the Door!
Click the Link Below Now
Article Marketing does work.

I used to doubt it but decided to test it – give a whirl and then decide.  I was searching for the secret to article marketing exposed. I was prepared to write a couple of articles, get no results and then call it a day- at least I would be able to say I tried. But 4 months later, to my surprise: article marketing does work. It has brought so much traffic to my website, fanpage and even opt ins. I generate at least 10 new leads a day just from my article marketing efforts.

After tweaking and perfecting, today we want to share the ins and out of article marketing with you. I guarantee you after getting this valuable information you will be excited and ready to start your article marketing campaign today.

Check out TODAY’s WEBINAR we are going to be going over how to start article marketing in a SIMPLE way to start driving more traffic. You don’t need to be an expert, you simply need to know how to take ACTION with what we are about to teach you.

Wednesday 16th March 2011 – 12 pm/PST 3pm EST/ 7pm GMT

 To get access to this webinar please register here. Seats are limited so make sure you register ASAP!
A Networker's Positive Self Talk : Things aren’t always what they seem.

Take a minute and look around at your surroundings. Are you in a familiar place or are you someplace new? Try and find something that you may not have noticed before and give it your undivided attention. Really – just stop and look at it. As you continue to focus that object that you are focusing on should suddenly become “real” –you might even noticed something about it that you never saw before. Some people are able to stop and concentrate on one particular item with ease – for someone like me, you may have distractions and really have to make it a point to stop and focus.

Here’s a network’s positive self talk tip:  But no matter your level of concentration, looking at that one item changes how you view that item, your perception changed since the last time you saw it, and suddenly you are looking at the world with a different perception – even if for a second.

Things aren’t always what they seem.

We, as marketers truly bank on this fact. We all share our insights and trainings with others - to make them see things the way we do. It’s a skill that takes time to perfect but if you keep working on it -  it does get perfected. Just like in the movie “Field of Dreams” – if you build it – it will come, truly becomes the reality of your success. Brick by brick, step by step, layer by layer, you are building your destiny.

Dream your dreams, change your story, work on your skill, change your perception and you life will change. Think about your “why” and what caused you to look for something better, for the plan B and the opportunity to fire your boss. Think about how your life will be 5 years from now. If you woke up and everything was perfect…what does that look like? Now, write it out, focus on it, and start building it. Someone wise once told me the networker’s positive self talk tip #2 … “Everything begins with a decision – decide now what you want your reality to be” - Shake off the perception others have planted in your mind for you. You can truly be who you want to me and not what others have told you are. Things aren’t ways what they seem – so today dig deeper and change your reality.

Make today the first day of really shaping the rest of your life. Internalize your why and make it happen. You have to get a little dirty, loose a little sleep, shed some tears to build that building – that building of success and a legacy for your family but know this… “If you build it – they will come”, I am a living testimony of that and you are too.

Let’s get to work. Need help?  Here’s the final networker’s positive self talk tip: You don’t have to do it alone. Join John and I and our extremely powerful team. We have partnered up with some of some of the best marketers in the industry who love to share, teach and encourage others. Join our FACEBOOK GROUP and be a part of our INTERNET MARKETING SUCCESS.   You will find many resources, free tips and tools to grow your business, and daily methods of success and inspiration. This is a networker’s positive self talk.

Click here to Join the FACEBOOK GROUP